International Children’s Day.


World Children's Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day and is celebrated on 20th November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. It is also celebrated to commemorate the declaration of the rights of children. It recognizes education as a basic right, and is one of the key International documents that forms the basis of all agency work. This year's International Children's Day theme is 'Inclusion, for every child'.

The special event aims to educate children on their basic rights. These rights protect children from abuses. Child delinquency, sex trade, child labour and other related child abuses must be checked on and these activities which put threats on children must be stopped. It also aims to support vulnerable children or children who are victims of misfortunes. It helps to support children who are have been involved in natural occurrences such as flood, earthquake, famine, and other occurrences like war. The government through its agencies see to their aid by providing them shelter and items like food, clothes, books, good drinking water and money. It aims to provide a sense of togetherness and awareness among children worldwide, and providing children's welfare. It is an international day of celebration and therefore does not regard only on some particular groups of children or children of a particular country. It is celebrated to bring together children of all over the world. 

The event has brought many positive impacts to children. It has brought unity among everyone and not only among children, Internationally. It has also helped children to know their basic rights and protected them from being infringed upon. The government through its agencies has helped to install hope to children who felt hopeless due to some misfortunes. 

Aside from the various impacts, the government should make a better account on the welfare of children without any form of corruptible acts in other to make effective supports for children who are in need. The government should pass a law to deal with people who infringe upon the rights of children. Strict enforcement must be done! Lastly, International Children's Day should mark a day the government use to support all children in the country. Including food items, money, shelter, good drinking water and books as well. 

This memorable event has brought a lot of positive impacts to everyone especially children and it is still fighting for children to meet a meet better world.


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